With the heart of craftsmen


       The World Craftsmen Organization was officially registered and established in Washington, D.C., on April 9th , 2018, and its headquarter in the United States was approved by the Utah Government on April 18th , 2018. The World Craftsmen Organization is a non-governmental, non-profit, public, voluntary and international citizen organization. The purpose of the organization is to promote advanced craftsmanship skills and craftsmanship spirit worldwide in accordance with the spirit, purpose, principles and mission of the UN Charter; to establish a comprehensive information service platform for world craftsmen members to provide all-round services for promoting scientific and technological innovation and development, achievement promotion, and technical exchange and cooperation; to carry forward the traditional culture of craftsmanship and strengthen the unity and friendship between craftsmen from all over the world;  to actively support the work of the United Nations and disseminate knowledge about the principles followed by the United Nations. The World Craftsmen Organization is committed to becoming an observer organization of the United Nations. 


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